Soluciones para garantizar la protección de datos

En el mundo de hoy, la protección de datos es crucial. A menudo, subestiman los peligros relacionados con la gestión de datos, a pesar de las advertencias de expertos en seguridad y gestión de riesgos.

La gestión de datos de calidad es fundamental para abordar estos desafíos. Los incidentes de seguridad que comprometen datos sensibles pueden dañar la reputación y las finanzas de una empresa. Sin conocer la ubicación y naturaleza de los datos confidenciales, la gestión de riesgos es imposible.

Infoverity ayuda a las empresas a integrar políticas sólidas de protección de datos dentro de su estrategia de datos.


According to a recent Gartner survey, SRM leaders believe they are unlikely to see budget cuts in cybersecurity, with over 80% anticipating an increase in their cybersecurity budgets in 2023. Forty-two percent of respondents expect their cybersecurity budgets to grow at a higher rate than inflation, while 41% of the respondents indicated that their budget will increase in line with inflation, keeping their purchasing power the same.


According to Gartner, Security and Risk Management (SRM) leaders mainly expect to derive speed and agility benefits from adopting technologies. Among the top value drivers for the technologies tested, 51% of technologies are expected to drive speed and agility of business processes, while 28% are expected to reduce risk exposure, particularly those related to endpoint and application security. SRM leaders perceive the deployment of application and data security technologies to be relatively lower risk, compared to infrastructure and perimeter security technologies. Respondents rated 40% of Infrastructure and perimeter security technologies as higher risk in comparison to 26% of application and data security technologies.

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